Narcotics Anonymous Meetings

This is a meeting list of “Traditionalist” NA Groups who create, direct, and make the Alternate Service Informational Structure, its annual conference, and The Anonymi Foundation directly responsible to them.

We are currently in the process of updating the meeting list into an online meeting list, you can find by clicking on the link below.

We can only update the meeting list when Groups inform us on changes that need to be made or meetings that need to be added or removed. Please send this information to or use the registration form on this page.

*For the most recent and accurate information considering the meetings in the UK, Sweden, Russia and The Netherlands we refer to the weblinks below and the meeting information found on their webpages. The information in the meeting list below might be outdated now that information changes often due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Please contact the local webpage/group for the most recent information. These meetings will also be added to the new meeting page.


ASIS Meeting list
Click here to download

ASIS ONLINE Meeting list
Click here to download

This files are designed to be printed on regular size paper (letter) and stapled – It may be printed on single sheets or front and back but it is not designed to be folded, just stapled together and handed out.

Register a meeting